Enterprise POS System for PC and Mobile

MicroTelecom is a world leader in the field of Enterprise retail solutions for communication and media service providers. Our solutions include Point of Sale, Master and private stores Catalog, Inventory Control, Warehouse Management, Order Fulfillment, e-Commerce and Mobile solutions.

We focuses on providing software products and services to retail, wholesale and Telecommunication service providers; by focusing on this market and working directly with our clients, our developers gain deep understanding of our clients' needs and can develop the innovative systems that are currently being used by thousands of retail stores, Cellular Wholesale distributors, Master Agents and leading mobile phone service providers in North America, Europe and around the world.

MicroTelecom’s Enterprise POS solutions (MTPOS) are designed to manage, simplify and improve key aspects of business operations, such as inventory control, sales, employee management and auditing, customer care, order management, commission processing and fraud prevention.

Our POS System has fast checkout experience, keeping Customers, Employees and Management happy.

Enterprise Inventory Management

MT-POS Enterprise POS System will assist your team to manage the retail channel Inventory effectively

  • Replenishment using min/max reordering levels to avoid out of stock items
  • Manage Inventory Transfers between stores and warehouses
  • Handle customer reservation, returns and exchange
  • Support Serialized Inventory, physical and digital goods and services
  • Manage Stock with inventory cycle count and auditing

Work Remotely with Enterprise POS on the Cloud

With MT-POS Cloud Point of Sale System, you can connect from anywhere using any device you approved.

  • MT-POS enable processing transaction while on the road with integrated Mobile Payment Terminal
  • Your team can use any device, including PC, Tablets and Smartphones while on the Go.
  • MT-POS Enterprise system provides MPOS Apps for android (including ChromOS), iOS and Windows
  • Accept all payment types, including credit/debit cards, mobile and contact-less payments.
  • Offer additional services based on product configurations (Warranty, Contracts, etc)
  • Offer Bundles and Promotions based on product selection and related products.
  • With Enterprise security, there are multiple security layers protecting your system to allow access only for personal and devices you approved.
  • Perform all activities remotely, including access reports, manage Catalog, and reorder inventory

Cash Register Management

    Manage Cash Registers, Safe, Bank Deposit and Change Orders.
  • Manage Register Open, Lock, Close, Count, Pickup, Deposit and Adjustments.
  • Accept cash in any currency you choose
  • Offer customer Store Credit, Rebates and Gift Cards
  • Enable many other payment methods, such as Wire, PayPal, Stripe, Checks and more.
  • Control which register can process each payment method
  • Control what Refund Method can be used for each original payment method

Integrated Payment System

MT-POS Software provide a complete payment solution and is integrated with card payment terminals to provide fast checkout at a very competitive rates.

  • Accept credit, debit via secured EMV or swipe transaction
  • Accept contact-less mobile payments such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Process payments for in-store transaction or while on the road
  • PCI compliant POS system with End to End Encryption
  • Fast processing and competitive fixed rate starting at 2.7% + $0.10.
"MT-POS is incredibly fast and easy to use,
I started loading my inventory within minutes of signing up!"
James N. Store Owner, Miami
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Trusted by Enterprises Worldwide

Ready to Get Started?

Our step-by-step tutorial will help you setup your Point of Sale on the Cloud

Or - Contact us to Discuss Custom Deployments and Integrations

Supported on PC and Tablets

Get Started with Free Trial

  © MicroTelecom 2024