Point of Sale System

Advanced Cloud MPOS Solution designed for PC, Tablets and Smartphones. Works on All Modern Browser and Include Apps for Android, iOS and Windows.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management, Replenishment, Transfers, Reservations, Returns, Counting and Auditing

Catalog Management

Manage Physical and Digital Goods and Services, Categories, Promotions, Features, Taxes, Serialized and Non-Serialized products.

Cash Management

Manage Cash Registers, Safe, Bank Deposit and Change Orders. handling Register Open, Lock, Close, Count, Pickup, Deposit and Adjustments.

Business Management

Manage any size of Retail Operation. Control Multiple Stores and lines of Business, manage Employees and Devices.

"MT-POS is incredibly fast and easy to use,
I started loading my inventory within minutes of signing up!"
5 star rating 5 star rating 5 star rating 5 star rating 5 star rating
Trusted by Enterprises Worldwide

About MicroTelecom

MicroTelecom EPOS and MPOS Systems are cost effective, easy to use, and provide unparalleled performance, security, scalability, and fault tolerance.

MT-POS solutions are time tested and verified by small, medium, and large enterprises all over the world since 2005, but if you need assistance, we have a dedicated support team 24/7 to assist you.

Ready to Get Started?

Our step-by-step tutorial will help you setup your Point of Sale

Supported on PC and Tablets

Get Started with Free Trial