Clicking Submit Order will complete the order in MT-POS. 

You will be presented with a popup to ask if this should be a VAT (Value Added Tax / sales tax) receipt, and if yes, to enter the customer Name and Address. 

This Entered information is printed on a VAT receipt.

Note: Depending on regulatory compliance requirements in your region, the customer information may not be retained by the system after a receipt is generated, or it will be retained for a limited time only.

Receipt Information

Graphical user interface, application, Teams??Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, Teams??Description automatically generated

Receipt Printing

Receipts are printed directly to the connected printer. 

Transaction Numbers:

Transaction numbers are ranged on each Database shard. And will have 11-12 decimal digits. For example 

      • Stores on Shard 1 will have transaction numbers 1,000,000,001 – 4,000,000,000
      • Stores on Shard 2 will have transaction numbers 4,000,000,001 – 8,000,000,000

The Transaction number will be presented on MT-POS UI, reports, and receipts with alphanumeric format (Base 36, Uppercase). The length of Transaction numbers being shown will be 7-8 characters.

Receipt Numbers:

The receipt number is printed on the customer issued receipt.

It is comprised of 4-digit Store + 2-digit register + 9-digit number. The 9-digit number is incremental on the scope of each register. The numbers will be seeded to 000010000 on day one for production.  

For example, 

      • on store 1305, register 1305-01: 130501000010000
      • on store 1308, register 1308-02: 130802000010000

The bar-code printed in receipts represents the receipt number, and the receipt number will be printed below the bar-code.