The store Dashboard provides an overview of the activities in the store, primarily for items that require action by the user. 

The Store Dashboard is targeted for store managers, and only authorized users can view it. 

The Store Dashboard provides information at the store level; all the information presented to you is for the location where you are  currently logged in.

To open the dashboard, click the pie chart icon on the top toolbar.

Dashboard entry point (Pie Chart Icon)

Dashboard entry point (Pie Chart Icon)

The dashboard displays widgets with actionable items on the top of the screen. 

The actionable widgets data and the Sales by Category widget are refreshed every 5 minutes, with the last update date/time displayed at the top of the dashboard.

The Performance charts are refreshed daily (it will present data up to last night).

 Dashboard (PC)

MT-POS  Dashboard (PC)

Dashboard (iPad)

MT-POS  Dashboard (iPad)

MT-POS  Dashboard (iPad)

Dashboard Action Widgets: 

Each action widget (top of the dashboard) provides the status or information related to the activity that occurred the same day. These widgets enable navigation to the relevant feature by context; for example, a click on the Cash Registers icon redirects to the Register Status screen. 

The widgets may be configured with links to a screen or a report which is relevant to the widget, and enables you to take an action, or schedule a report related to the widget, for example: navigate directly to Inventory transfer approval screen from the stock transfer widget. 

Widgets can be hidden by implementation.

The system provides the following 12 widgets by default:

  • Stock Transfers: Transfer In, Transfer Out, Pending Approvals
  • Alerts: Awaiting Review
  • Purchase Orders: Open, Received, Pending Approval
  • Customer Orders: Completed, In-Progress, Pending
  • Cash Registers: Open, Closed, Cash Sweep Required
  • Stock Adjustments: Adjusted out, Adjusted In, Write Off
  • CSR Allocation: Devices currently allocated to sales reps
  • Bank Deposit: Completed, Open
  • User: Clocked In, Clocked Out
  • Stock: Low Stock, End of Life (in next 30 days)
  • Customer Returns: Standard Returns, Return Exceptions
  • Price Override: CSR or manager Price Override

Dashboard Chart Widget

The system provides the following charts in its default configuration:

  • Sales and Returns by employees in this month vs the previous month
  • Top 10 best-selling items in the last 30 days
  • Sales and Returns by day in the last 15 days

The widget dynamically presents a card for each main category that has sales in the current month.