The User Management tool enables creating, modifying, and retiring store associates’ user accounts.

Entry Point:

Navigation menu > Administration > User Management > Manage Users

Search User filter

Search User filters

Search for a specific user by the Search User filter criteria, and then click Apply Filter. 

The Action menu in the Search User screen has the following options:

Disable User – deactivate the user.

Lock User Login – disable the user from login to MT-POS – shows for unlocked users.

Unlock user login – enable the user to login to MT-POS – shows for locked out users.

Password Reset – reset the user's password.

Action menu

User list 

User list

Select the relevant user by clicking the user ID. The user setup screen displays.

User setup 

User setup

After making changes, click the Save button. If the profile has been changed, it will be applied to all the stores where the user already has access to.


Screen Data Elements




User is Active

On/Off button

Select 'On' to activate the user, or 'Off' to deactivate the user

User Login ID

Text box

Mandatory, Unique

Type the user Login ID 


Text box

Mandatory, not unique

Type the user’s name


Text box

Mandatory, Unique

Type the user’s Email

Change Password


Enter a valid login password and confirm it. The password policy link displays upon clicking the Password Policy link.


Select from list

Click to select a profile from the list.

The selected profile will be applied in all stores the user currently has access to when saving the changes.

Password Expire / Never Expire


If checked, login password will not be limited by an expiration date.


Select from list or type

Set the expiration date to the login password.

Login Permitted

Select from list

Select the start-hour and end-hour of user’s activity in MT-POS

User Active

Select from list

Select the start-date and end-date of user’s activity in MT-POS

Home Address

Text box

Type the user’s home address. 


text box

User address city


Text box

User address state


Text box

User address postal code

Tel. Home

Text box

User Home phone

Tel. Work

Text box

User Work phone


Text box

User Tel. Extension at work

Select Accessible Stores


link to the User Access assignment screen (see image below)

Select the Region, and then click 'Apply Filter'.

Access control filter

User access control - stores filter

Check-mark the relevant stores to enable user access/login to these stores.

Access Control – select accessible stores

Access Control – select accessible stores

You can import users from Excel.

User Management screen - Import Users button

Note the mandatory columns to include in the Excel file in the below screenshot.

Upload File prompt