When there are more than one store in the business, MT-POS product catalog is updated by the HQ location. Login to HQ to make updates to the catalog, and then publish the updates to the stores. 

To add a new item, click the New Product link on the Catalog Management screen. The New Item setup panel appears. Enter the item attributes. Use the screen data elements table below to enter the correct attributes.

Item setup panel - create a New Item

Item setup panel - new item

To modify an existing item, click the ItemID link on the list of items, and then update the required fields. Click the Save button.

The item setup panel enables editing the item properties and prices.

Item setup panel - modify existing item

Item setup panel

Item setup panel – Advanced Pricing / Advanced Options

Item setup panel – Advanced Pricing / Advanced Options

Item setup panel – Advanced Features

Item setup panel – Advanced Features

Screen Data Elements




Item code and description

Read only

Item code and description

Save Item As


Saving the same item with a new SKU

New Product


Opening a new item



Stock keeping unit number. Once created, this value is not editable. Up to 25 characters.



Copy the SKU to clipboard


On/Off button

If enabled, item will be active and available for sale

Require Unique Serial Number

On/Off button

For devices: On. 

For accessories: Off.



Max 50 characters

Item description as shown on customer receipt


Select from list

Primary Category (Handset/Accessory/Prepaid Cards, etc.)


Select from list

Secondary Category level

Sub-category II

Select from list

Additional Category Level. Can be used for make/model

Sub-category III

Select from list

Additional Category Level. Can be used for make/model



Manufacturer’s recommended retail price, found on the product packaging. This is considered the price before catalog price discount.



The official cost of the product (may be visible to reps)

This is sometimes referred to as the “Fake Cost” or “Visible Cost”.

CSR Max Discount


Maximum discount amount allowed to CSR

MGR Max Discount


Maximum discount amount allowed to manager



Wholesale price



The current actual item cost (average). This field is automatically calculated. The cost in MT-POS is derived from the cost in Purchase Order

Advanced Options


Select from list

Select brand, and then select the model


Select from list

Select the type (Handset, Bluetooth, Car Charger, etc.)


Select from list

Select color from Select from list

Feature Labels

Labels selection

labels for searching

Related Items Labels

Labels Selection

labels for linking items in shopping cart Related Items widget

Advanced Features

Non Refundable

On/Off button

If enabled, item is non-refundable

Service Item/No Replenishment

On/Off button

If enabled, item quantity an remain zero, and still be sellable. For non-serialized items only.

Prompt for serial number on sale in POS

On/Off button

If enabled, the system will require to enter the SN during sale

Non-taxable Item/Service

On/Off button

If enabled, tax would not be calculated during a sale

Retail Price Include Tax

On/Off button

If enabled, the calculated item price will include the tax amount

Barcode Length


For devices, specify the length of serial number (11,14,15,18.20)

Presale End Date


Select the Presale Date before actual sale starts

Sale Start Date


Select the Date when sale will start

Sale End Date


Select the Date when sale will end

Discard Changes


Ignore changes



Save changes

  • Require a unique serial number: select the box if this is a serialized device, such as a mobile phone, and deselect if this is an accessory, service, and so on.
  • Product ID/SKU: Identifier of the product or service in the catalog. This is the same as the unique product code provided to MT-POS from any third party. 
  • Categories: Can be set by management to associate products with specific categories, and to to enable searching and running reports based on categories rather than specific items. There are four levels of categories in a tree of categories.
  • Other settings: Can be defined by management. 
  • Color, select from dropdown.
  • Item Type, select from dropdown.
  • Vendor Item ID.
  • Vendor/Supplier: Default product vendor. This vendor is defined in MT-POS Vendor Management feature.
  • Description: The description that is printed on customer receipts.
  • Average Cost: The current actual item cost. This field is derived from the Purchase Order. 
  • Cost: manually entered cost; this can be set by management to include other fees, such as delivery, that increase the net item cost. This is the “Official Cost,” which can be made visible to associates (controlled by access permission). 

Note: The solution supports both cost and average cost. The user can also define prices as zero by not entering the cost (these fields are not mandatory). 

  • MSRP: Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. This is the sale price before discounts. 
  • Retail Price: Default retail price when the device is scanned at the point of sale. The retail price must be identical to the MSRP.
  • Wholesale: Wholesale price. 
  • Barcode length: The number of characters in the barcode for this product. This value is used for validation of user input. For example, ESN length usually has 11 characters and IMEI is 15.
  • Feature Labels: Feature labels are used to enter specific features that will help the sales rep to find matching items to  requirement by the customer. For example, “BT,” “waterproof”,”5g”. 

Featured labels are be managed via the featured labels screen, accessed from Navigation menu > Product Management > Featured Labels.

Feature Labels are accessible from the edit icon next to the Feature Labels field in the product settings panel. 

Labels are associated to a main category (e.g., Handset, Accessory etc.)

Select the main category from the drop-down, and the relevant labels will be displayed below.

To create a new label, select the main category which the label will be associated with, inserting the label name in the box below, and then click “Add”. You can edit an existing label name or delete it.

Note: The feature items label is also accessible from the menu > Administration > Product management

Feature item label

  • Related Item Labels: Related item labels are used to link multiple items together, so that they will be shown as suggestions when added to shopping cart. For example, both iPhone X, and iPhone X compatible charger, could have label “iPhoneX”. In such case, adding iPhoneX to the cart will cause the widget to show the compatible charger as a related item. The related items labels feature can be managed from the edit icon next to the Related items labels field in the product settings panel.

Related item label

Labels are associated to a main category (e.g., Handset, Accessory, etc.)

Select the main category from the drop-down, and the relevant labels will be displayed below.

To create a new label, select the main category which the label will be associated with, inserting the label name in the box below, and then click “Add”. You can edit an existing label name or delete it.

Note: The related items are presented in the related items widget in shopping cart:

Related Items Widget in MT-POS shopping cart screen

Related Items Widget in mPOS shopping cart screen

The widget presents the items that have the same “Related Item” label as items that were already added to the cart. Items which are in the bestselling list are not shown in the Related Items widget. Items are sorted alphabetically. The widget only presents items that are available for sale at the specific store. The widget presents the top 5 items by default. When there are more than 5 items to display, a ‘More’ link will show at the bottom of the widget, and a click on the link will expand the widget to show all the items.

Note: The widget will present a maximum of 30 items according to the sort order specified in the widget definition. 

Import catalog definitions from Excel

Import catalog definitions from Excel

If any rows fail validation format check, such records will not be imported, and an error log will be generated to review the failure reason. 

Excel format requirements for importing catalog definitions:

Column name



Oracle Item ID


Item Description


Main Category










Item Type


Serialized (True/False)




Supplier ID


Sale Start Date


Sale end Date


Item ID (SKU)


Retail Price


Minimum Retail Price




Material Group


Serial Number Length


System Item


Non-Taxable Item 


Not an Inventory Item





Example of excel file for importing to catalog

Example of Excel file for importing to catalog

Example of Excel file for importing to catalog