Getting Started with MT-POS 9.0

To get started with MT-POS you should usually complete the following setup process:

  1. Configure Stores
  2. Setup Suppliers
  3. Setup Registers
  4. Connect the Payment Terminal
  5. Connect the Printer
  6. Add Users
  7. Add Products to Catalog
  8. For existing Store - Adjust the current Inventory into the system
  9. For a New Store, Create a Purchase Order 

On the first login to a new store, the Setup Wizard will display shortcuts to required store setup.

Use the links to open the tools in MT-POS, then check-mark the list item in the Get Started page.

Click the Continue button to open MT-POS.

MT-POS Setup Wizard

You are now logged-in to MT-POS, and the app Home page displays.